Upgrading the Mathematical Model of Raw Meat Comminuting Process in Flow Cutter

Sergii Verbytskyi, Olexandr Batrachenko, Nadiya Filimonova

About the Authors

Sergii Verbytskyi, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Institute of Food Resources of NAAS, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:

Olexandr Batrachenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Cherkassy State Technological University, Cherkassy, Ukraine, e-mail:

Nadiya Filimonova, PhD in Technics (Candidate of Technics Sciences), Cherkassy State Technological University, Cherkassy, Ukraine, e-mail:


The proposed article aims at analyzing existing technical means of continuous action for raw meats comminution and studying the features of mathematical modeling of this process. The aim is also to evaluate the possibility and feasibility of improving the existing mathematical model of raw meats comminution in a rotary flow cutter with a corresponding development of the formula for determining the power of the device specified. The analysis of existing technical means of continuous action for raw meats comminution has been performed; a comparative characteristic of the two most commonly used design schemes of flow cutters has been given, namely: “knife-grate” and “rotor-stator”. The features of mathematical modeling of the process of raw meats comminution in a rotary flow cutter are analyzed. The formula for calculating the integrated power is given, this being proposed to be upgraded by taking into account the flow characteristics of the main structures of the feed bins, the comminuting appliances for raw meats (flow cutters) are equipped with. It is taken into account that the best characteristics of meat raw materials delivery for comminution have asymmetrical bins with a vertical wall, however the design of a bunker in the shape of a truncated cone was taken as the basic one, for which the feed stability coefficient proposed has the numerical value of 1. The numerical values of the feed stability coefficient for different feed bins are also presented. The ways of further development of research were determined aiming at further improving the formula of integrated power of flow cutter by a universal component that would take into account all possible designs of feed bins of flow cutters. Due to the incorporation of the results of studies of the flow characteristics of feeding bins, the mathematical model of the implementation of this process on a rotary flow cutter has been upgraded, the integrated formula for determining the power of such devices has also been modified accordingly. The refinement of the mathematical model of the fine grinding process takes into account the typical designs of feeding bins of flow cutters; therefore, further studies aiming at enhancing the integrated formula that will take into account the flow characteristics of feeding bins of any shape and geometric dimensions are promising.


raw meats, comminution, rotary flow cutter, power, feeding bin, mathematical model

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Copyright (c) 2019 Sergii Verbytskyi, Olexandr Batrachenko, Nadiya Filimonova